City of Long Beach, Shoemaker Bridge Replacement Project

City of Long Beach, Shoemaker Bridge Replacement Project
The City of Long Beach, in cooperation with Caltrans, is replacing the Shoemaker Bridge (West Shoreline Drive) located at the southern end of I-710 in the City of Long Beach and bisected by the Los Angeles River. The bridge replacement will improve existing traffic safety and operations, increase multi-modal connectivity within the project limits and surrounding area, provide bicycle, pedestrian, and streetscape improvements on major thoroughfares, and address non-standard features and current design deficiencies.
As a subconsultant to the prime, GUIDA is providing professional land surveying and mapping services for the project. GUIDA’s services include providing project control, roadway centerline, existing right of way for the existing Shoemaker Bridge, record data research, land net recovery, field ties, and plotting fee and easement areas. Upon completion of the field work, GUIDA will incorporate the additional field surveys into the existing aerial topography for the project.
Guida is thankful for the opportunity to contribute to our client’s diversity goals through our certifications and always find ways utilize SBE/WBE/DBE subconsultant firms on our contracts whenever possible.
(949) 777-2000
Orange County, CA