US Fish & Wildlife Service, Otay River Estuary Restoration Project (ORERP)

US Fish & Wildlife Service, Otay River Estuary Restoration Project (ORERP)
The Otay River Estuary Restoration Project (ORERP) will restore approximately 125 acres of coastal wetland and upland habitats at the south end of San Diego Bay within the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) for the benefit of native fish, migratory birds, and other coastal dependent species.
Restoration will occur at two locations within the Refuge: on approximately 34 acres located east of 13th Street near Imperial Beach within the Otay River Floodplain; and approximately 91 acres of an existing solar salt pond (Pond 15) generally located to the west of the intersection of Bay Boulevard and Palomar Street in Chula Vista.
The project includes, but is not limited to, the excavation of 310,000 cubic yards of materials from the Otay River Flood (ORFS) area, amending of the soils, and transport and placement of the soils to Pond 15. The project includes construction of temporary water crossings at Nester Creek and Otay River, berms, dikes, and grading contouring in ORFS, a temporary bike path, scour protection along Otay River, as well as construction and installation of electrical utilities, and irrigation pumps.
Guida’s responsibilities involve site control, which includes recovering existing horizontal control and running elevations from benchmarks, verifying existing conditions and setting additional control points, as well as office calculations and field supervision. Guida is performing bi-weekly monitoring of settlement points during the construction season and performing monthly monitoring of settlement points during the off-construction season.
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(949) 777-2000
Orange County, CA