For the third consecutive year, Guida participated in Girl’s Engineering Day, an event created and implemented by the Orange County Chapter of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS). Girl’s Engineering day began over five years ago with the goal of teaching young women about career opportunities in engineering and engineering-related fields. Today, the event hosts over a hundred students who experience hands-on demonstrations and hear the voices of strong, female leaders in the industry about how they can make an impact in the transportation industry.
Guida team member Lisa Spivak participated in the event, which occurred on February 22, 2020, by providing students with the opportunity to experience land surveying first-hand. Lisa created a demonstration activity which asked participants to take on the challenge of plotting coordinates on a map and measuring distances from one point to another.
We want to recognize both Lisa for her efforts to make a positive difference in the life of these students, students who are the future of women in transportation.